Friday, May 7, 2010

Ah, the night is callin'

and it whispers to me softly "come and play"

I, I am fallin'

and if I let myself go I'm the only one to blame


Marley looked me up and down, as I hopped in the car. "Well, aren't you dressed to impress. Got a hot date?" She teased, pulling away from my house. "I can see the good preacher isn't home, he'd flip seeing you dressed like that."

I gave her the once over. Marley was wearing almost the same thing I was. Skinny jeans, slinky top, four inch platform heels. Her glossy black hair was wild around her pretty face, her makeup was sexy and subtle. "Mar. We're dressed the same." I sighed.

Ten minutes later, we pulled up to Kevin's house. My heart raced as Marley pulled up next to Jake's truck, and parked. He was already here. I felt my palms start to sweat, and I was having a hard time keeping my breath steady.

"Shit, you look petrified. What's wrong with you?" Marley asked shutting off the car, looking herself over in the rear view mirror.

Scared just wasn't a word you associated with Me, or Marley. We're fearless, ballsy. We have a reputation for being man eaters, although, Marley and Mike Bosley were exclusive, and I, never dated.

That didn't matter. We turned heads, and owned any room we entered. We worked hard for this kind of reaction. We craved the attention, we demanded respect, we expected fear.

"I'm fine. Let's go."

"Oh Shit! Minxy and Marley are here!" Some one yelled over the blaring music as we entered the house. "Damn, y'all lookin' fine." It was Taylor, a junior. He announced our entrance, turning every eye on us.
We walked in, unphased, looking around.
"Some one get 'em a drink." Boss ordered an underclassmen. "Asshole." He cursed under his breath.
Marley leaned her body into Boss's, kissing him hard. I had lost her. I took my drink offered and made my way around the house.
It was a large house, and it seemed every student from the tri-city area was here. Lots I knew, most I didn't, although they all seemed to know me.
"Minxy you look great." A girl smiled at me.
I rolled my eyes, continuing on. I scanned the crowd, looking for Jake.
I watched the crowded room. The mess of bodies seemed to pulsate to the music, all moving in unison. The lights were low, the room buzzed with energy.
My first reaction to the arm that just slid around my waist, was to turn and kick some one in the nuts. I have been to a lot of parties, and some asshole always tried to get fresh with me. Before I could react, I heard Jake in my ear. "You look incredible."
His body was crushed against mine, I felt his breath on my ear, his arm held me close. The room was so crowded, his embrace wasn't even noticed.
I smiled, turning to see him. He was gorgeous. Our eyes locked, and everyone else in the room, just melted away.
"Meet me at my truck." He leaned in, whispering in my ear. He pulled back, his lips barely skimming mine. He quickly turned, leaving the room.
I was left behind, wanting more. I glanced around, making sure no one had seen our little meeting. I weaved my way through the crowd, feeling excitement as the doors to the outside came into view.
"Minxy! Where you going?" Marley pulled my arm back.
I looked into her wild eyes. "I'm gonna run out to the car real fast." I lied.
"I'll go with."
"Don't be silly. I'll be right back." I turned quickly, slinking out the door. I closed the door behind me, pausing a second to make sure Marley didn't chase after me.
Kevin's house was in the country, there were no street lights. Once I left the glow of the porch lights, it was very dark. Surrounding his house was open pasture, lined with cars. I felt my way along the cars, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the darkness.
"Hey Minxy."
I turned, feeling some one very close behind me.
"Do I know you?" I asked, looking into the dark eyes of a stranger. He was very tall, and very big.
"No." He answered taking a step closer.
I was right next to a car, just two over from Marley's. I knew Jake's was just past Marley's. I gasped as the guy closed the gap between us even more, pinning me against the car. I stood up straight, trying to not show how terrified I was. "Get the hell outta my face." I warned.
"Oh yeah." He chuckled. "What are you gonna do if I don't?"
I reminded myself the only thing I have to fear is fear its self. Thanks FDR . . . I took in a deep breath, and accessed the situation. He was big, probably not very fast. I was quick and venomous, a snake. I smiled up at him. "Where have you been all night?" I flirted.
He smiled back, leaning an arm against the car, pinning me under him. "I've had my eye on you all night." He confessed.
I felt a wave of nausea. I swallowed hard, making eye contact. "Have you now? Did you like what you saw? Wanna see more?" I whispered.
I could feel his breath on my neck, as he leaned in closer. "Oh, I'm gonna see more." He promised.
Now or never. I lifted my knee into his junk as hard as a could. For a second, I didn't think I had made contact, because he didn't move, or make a sound. Only seconds later, his eyes crossed and his mouth fell open. "You bitch." He groaned, falling to his knees, hands on his groin.
That really pissed me off. I brought my knee up, meeting him square in the jaw. Asshole left his face unprotected.
He wasn't done. Anger flooded his face, and he quickly recovered, grabbing at my legs. I could turn and run. But I couldn't really see well.
I felt him make contact, pulling my leg hard. He pulled me off balance, and I hit the hard ground with a sickening thud. I felt the air leave my lungs, and my vision got fuzzy around the edges. I wanted to scream for Jake, but I couldn't. Panic was growing from somewhere deep down inside of me. I tried to scramble from underneath him, but he was closing in.
"What the hell are you doing?!"
My heart started beating again. It was Jake.
"You can have her when I'm done." The stranger smiled up at Jake.
Jake pulled the stranger up on his feet, pushing him up against the car. Jake punched the stranger square in the jaw, pulled back, and clocked him again.
Jake knelt down, swooping me up in his arms. He carried me off to his truck, leaving the stranger behind.
"Micah? Are you okay?" Jake asked pulling the driver's side door open on his truck. He gently sat me down on the seat, looking me over.
"Yes." I lied, feeling the fear I was trying so hard not to fear at all. I hated feeling weak.
"Asshole. I know that guy, he goes to Jackson. He's like captain of the weight team or something." Jake was angry. "Don't worry. Me and Boss we'll get 'em." He promised and I wasn't sure if he was telling me, or himself.
"Thank you." I tried to make my voice strong, even though it came out a little shaky.
Jake looked up at me. "Slide over."
I did.
"You're welcome." He climbed in, closing the door behind him. "Let's get outta here." He started his truck.


  1. For some reason, it's all double spaced, like at the beginning of this entry, when I'm editing it, but when I post it, it only shows half in double space. Sorry, I'll try to figure it out! Thanks for reading, let me know what ya think!

  2. Can't wait to see what happens next
